there's no "I" in success

Photo by Charity Yoro, Lux Central, Phoenix, AZ 2018

Photo by Charity Yoro, Lux Central, Phoenix, AZ 2018

Photo by kind stranger, Lux Central, Phoenix, AZ 2018

Photo by kind stranger, Lux Central, Phoenix, AZ 2018

Charity Yoro at the dinner table, Phoenix, AZ 2018

Charity Yoro at the dinner table, Phoenix, AZ 2018

I sprained my foot while taking photos on Saturday and I quickly learned that there are two types of people in my world - the ones who react to the news with, “Oh no! That sucks, you better be careful.” And the ones who’s immediate response is, “so did you get the shot?” Much gratitude to all those cautious friends looking out for my well-being, and also big ups to those on the latter end who get it, that a few days of recovery from an art injury are one hundred percent worth it, because you can also trip while you’re walking doing something completely feelingless, so you might as well trip or step wrong or twist your ankle doing something that feels worth doing. And by “you”, I mean me, because jumping off a truck outside a vintage shop in witch boots flashing a super rad feminist t-shirt with my best friend was the only thing that seemed right in that moment and you bet your fine ass we got the shot. (<— Coming soon!)

I’ve been hopping around on one foot, with what my friends are calling Potato Foot because I hadn’t had any sign of bones in my foot all week - until yesterday when I went to acupuncture and walked out with space between my toes once gain. Moving that chi is no joke, the 15 minute transformation was wild.

Aside from the rapid healing I can also appreciate that this injury has been pushing me out of my “asking for help” comfort zone. I have to actually ask people to do things for me, little things, big things, things I am only used to doing myself. My soul hermana, Charity, happens to be in town this week and has been an incredible angel, filling up my water bottle non-stop, bringing my coffee cup to the table, making dinner, washing the dishes, and the list goes on and on and on. It’s an interesting reflection of how I get by in other areas of my life.

While I do all the physical things for myself regularly... all the other stuff by no means is due to my own doing alone. What I mean is that emotional, spiritual, career, and mindset growth for me do not happened alone. Sure, I ultimately have to decide to make these changes and do the actual work myself, but I would not be here today without all those friends who lend their shoulders and ears, without the teachers and healers who hold the space for exploration, growth, and processing, without the colleagues who share business advice and inspiration, without all the other artists out there sharing their work and their voice, without the humans who encourage me to be fully me and continue pursuing my path however it may unfold.

We don’t get to places on our own two feet. We get there with the support of many other humans. Even if you feel like you’re alone or have climbed yourself to the top of your own mountain without the assistance of anyone, take a look back at all the things that needed to happen in order for you to get here.

Perhaps you don’t have specific friends or teachers in mind that you can identify as great supporters on your journey, but what about that driver who let you go before them in traffic when you were running late, or that person you just met who rooted for you at that job interview or referred your services, or that person who published that piece of information or reflection that completely shifted your perspective on something, or that stranger who smiled at you and for that brief moment shared in your joy? If you think you’ve made it to the top or wherever you’re standing right now by yourself, you’re missing the whole point. We don’t win alone, we win together. 

Who are some of the people that help you fill your water bottle, take coffee to your table, and help you take the next step in more ways than one? Give them a big hug and lots of love because damn, baby, look how far you’ve come together. Look how far we’ve come together. I am so grateful for each and every one of you who have in some way contributed to my journey and my growth. I appreciate you and I want YOU to win also.



noticing, staying open


new year, same you, please.